New Venue Form Wedding venue name *Website or any social media page *Primary email to which you like to receive inquiries *Secondary email (Optional)Wedding venue type *IndoorOutdoorSeated capacity for indoor (if applicable)Seated capacity for outdoor (if applicable)Available amenities *ParkingValet ParkingWelcome AreaSound SystemLightingBridal RoomCatering *We have our own catering kitchenWe outsource catering servicesAdditional amenities that you like to includeShort description about the venue (optional)Whatsapp Number At times, we might need to ask you few questions about your venue. We also need to contact you once every three months to make sure all information we have about your business is up to date.Could you please provide us with a name and a contact number for someone in charge to talk to him directly? Please do not provide us with your marketing agency details, we prefer to contact someone directly from your venue and rest assured that all contact details you provide us with are strictly confidential and will not be published on our website.Contact person name *Contact person WhatsApp number *This number won't be published on our website unless it's the same as the main venue's contact number.Job position *How would you like our company to address your contact person? *MrMissMrs.Just my short name!Any notes we should know? (Optional) Send Message